Thursday, October 18, 2018

Troy:The legend will live

Film:Troy ; The legend will live. Industry:Hollywood. Genre:romance,thriller,drama,action-war Propelled by Homer's epic The Iliad, this $200 million film (on the off chance that you include generation and local advertising costs) jumpstarts when Paris, a pretty-kid Prince of Troy, falls for the Queen of Sparta and whisks Helen far from her devious spouse, King Menelaus. This incomparable affront sends Menelaus to rally the help of his insidious sibling Agamemnon, King of the Mycenaeans. Getting Helen back involves pride for Menelaus (he intends to slaughter her once he gets her home). Concerning the covetous Agamemnon, he abruptly has a reason to commission the majority of the Greek clans to set sail for Troy and assault a foe he's had his eye on for quite a while. Vanquishing Troy would give Agamemnon a stranglehold on the Aegean Sea and grow his domain. Be that as it may, to carry out the activity, he should move beyond Troy's impervious dividers with the assistance of Achilles, a hired soldier murdering machine who indicates little steadfastness to sovereignty. The other key player in this vicious cleanser musical drama is Paris' respectable more seasoned sibling, Hector. He's a practical contender who comprehends governmental issues, genuine administration and is ready to expect the royal position of his maturing father, King Priam. Hector and Achilles are the film's restricting alpha guys, each with heaps of crude capability behind them. POSITIVE ELEMENTS As beneficiary to the Trojan position of royalty, Hector is astute, courageous and worried for the welfare of his kin. He's a contender and family man, and one of only a handful couple of characters in the film we can pull for decisively. He regards his dad and sticks up for his sibling, notwithstanding when their slip-ups place him in troublesome circumstances. He addresses Paris on the points of affection and war. He likewise models initiative in his family, and respect in fight. He sportingly gives the Greeks "a chance to gather their dead" after a clash, despite the fact that they presumably wouldn't broaden him a similar graciousness. Achilles mediates for a young lady going to be manhandled by hooligans. Priam advances to Achilles for the body of a fallen child ("Even foes can indicate regard"), and gets kindness and a détente. To dodge full-scale war, Paris volunteers to confront Menelaus mano a mano. He later shows bravery and initiative when Troy's resistances are imperiled. Helen guarantees him she doesn't need a military legend, however a man she can develop old with. Odysseus calls attention to, "Some of the time you need to serve with the end goal to lead." It might be said, certain characters' blemishes give exercises too. Desire and treachery with respect to Paris and Helen toss countries into grisly clash, costing incalculable lives. Agamemnon is attacked for being a voracious, control hungry sexist. What's more, regardless of the bloodlust onscreen, a horrendous part of down-time discourse sways a finger at war hawks, focusing on the worthlessness and disaster of military clash. In spite of the fact that the content immensely distorts its body of evidence against war, lines challenge ivory tower pioneers driven exclusively by self image ("Imagine a lord who battles his own fights," "War is young fellows biting the dust and old men talking," "Don't squander your life following some trick's requests"). SEXUAL CONTENT A few shots incorporate back nakedness. We meet Achilles as he lies exposed with two ladies the morning after a sexual experience. Later Briseis, a virginal female detainee, sneaks up on him in the night and puts a blade to his throat, just to have him flip her on her back with the goal that her rough enthusiasm winds up sensual energy (they kiss and sex is inferred). Paris visits the wedded Queen Helen in her chamber where they proceed what is said to be a progression of illegal trysts. She drops her dress for him (out of edge) and they kiss. To spur the crowd into agreeing with these earnest youthful philanderers, the movie producers indicate Menelaus kissing and pawing hireling young ladies at an illustrious devour. (He's a foot sole area, so Helen and Paris' illegal meet should be OK.) The lord toasts his visitors by saying, "May the divine beings keep the scoundrels and the ladies in our beds!" Agamemnon hands Briseis over to his fighters so they can have their way with her. The wedded Hector charges Paris—who supposedly beds numerous ladies—of knowing nothing about genuine romance. NEGATIVE ELEMENTS Achilles yearns to live perpetually by making his name unbelievable. For his situation by slaughtering individuals for greatest PR bid. It's an egotistical interest supported by his mom, who says the conventional way of raising a family won't do so much for his inheritance as blazing out greatly in fight. For some youthful watchers, this will strengthen the advanced mindset that gathering big name—by whatever methods—could easily compare to living respectably and namelessly. Since Achilles is played by Brad Pitt, the character may appear to be more brave than he should. He resembles a present day, diva competitor—a prideful, conscienceless free operator out for individual grandness. He simply needs his name in the record books. That would be no major ordeal if his childishness turned out to be his destruction. In any case, this is certifiably not a wake up call. [Spoiler Warning] Rather, he is fixed by at long last creating affection for a lady, and encountering an episode of valor. Winning good: You'll live more on the off chance that you pay special mind to number one. Likewise, the group of onlookers should pull for Paris (teenager heartthrob Orlando Bloom) and Helen to discover joy together. Ruler Menelaus may have been a spoiled miscreant who had his hopeless trophy lady of the hour wishing to suffocate herself day by day, however that doesn't legitimize infidelity and abducting. Was Helen an unfaithful spouse or a maiden in trouble? The film likes to think about her as the last mentioned. End The last vigorously advertised fight among Trojans and Spartans set USC against Michigan State in the 1988 Rose Bowl. (The Spartans won 20-17, no wooden steed required.) Much like that football game, Troy highlights muscle-bound warriors, cool caps and a couple of trap plays. The huge contrast, obviously, is the level of savagery. Rather than slash squares, equals in this challenge have appendages hacked off. Executive Wolfgang Petersen joins the lacking elbow room, swords-and-shoes battle of Gladiator with the extensive scale conflicts that awed groups of onlookers in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It's a fierce blast that is turned on and off all through the motion picture's more than two hour runtime. Amid the respites, Pitt and Bloom's characters engage in sexual relations with ladies they aren't wedded to. Furthermore, who's behind everything? The divine beings. Much obliged, Homer, however as much as I valued the ethical fiber of that Hector individual, despite everything we're in an ideal situation watching a rerun of the 1988 Rose Bowl on ESPN Classic. প্রাচীন এশিয়া মাইনরে বর্তমানে তুরস্কের আনাতোলিয়া রাজ্যে ছিল এই ট্রয় নগরী।ট্রয়ের রাজা প্রিয়াম ও রানী হেকবার ঘরেই জন্ম প্যারিসের যাকে Trojans War এর মূল হোতা ভাবা হয়(হেলেন তো আছেই)। গ্রীসের অধীবাসীরা ধারনা করত এই যুদ্ধ বাস্তবে হয়েছিল খ্রিস্টপূর্ব ১৩০০/১২০০ সময়কালে।কিন্তু উনবিংশ শতাব্দীর মধ্যভাগে মানুষ এ বিশ্বাস থেকে সরে আসে।বট ১৮৬৮ সালে হেইনরিখ শ্লিম্যান ও ফ্র্যাংক ক্যালভার্ট তুরষ্কের হিসার্লিকে এক পাচীন নগরীর ধ্বংসাবশেষ খুজে পান যার সাথে ট্রয় নগরীর অনেকটাই মিল ছিল। ট্রয়ের ওয়ারের আরেকজন মূল হোতা ছিলেন রানী হেলেন।যিনি স্পার্টার রাজা টিনডারিউস ও রানী লিডারের কন্যা ছিলেন।মহাকবি হোমারের লিখিত ইলিয়ড ও ওডিসির বর্ননা মতে হেলেন দেবতা জিউস এর কন্যা ছিলেন। এবং তিনি স্পার্টার রাজা মেনেলাস এর স্ত্রী ছিলেন।ট্রয় রাজপুত্র প্যারিস হেলেনকে নিয়ে পলায়ন করার পর থেকেই শুরু হয় ১০ বছর সময়ব্যপি এই বিশাল ঐতিহাসিক যুদ্ধ। ট্রয়ের দেয়াল ছিল অজেয়,কোনভাবেই যখন জয় করা যাচ্ছিলনা তখন #ট্রোজান_হর্স এর সাহায্যে(মুভি যারা দেখছেন তারা বুঝবেন)পতন হয় এই ট্রয় নগরীর। মুভিটা নির্মিত হয়েছে মহাকবি হোমারের ইলিয়াড অবলম্বনে।হ্যাক্টর,অ্যাকিলিস এই দুইটা চরিত্র ভুলার মতনা।এই দুইজনের ফাইটিং সিনটা সত্যিই তাদের সাহসের প্রমান বহন করে। মুভির ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড মিউজিকটা আরো ভাল হলে ওয়ার সিনগুলো আরো জমত(এমনিতেই ভাল ছিল,আরেকটু ভাল হতো আরকি)। অ্যাকিলিস চরিত্রের ব্র্যাড পিট হ্যাক্টর চরিত্রের এরিক বানা প্যারিস চরিত্রের অরলেন্ডো ব্লুম হ্যালেন চরিত্রের সুন্দরী ডিয়াগা ক্রুগা সত্যিই পারফেক্ট ছিল। হ্যাপি ওয়াচিং।

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